Thank you for joining our 2S Task Force. We’re so grateful for your partnership.
Our 2S Task Force is a group of supporters we contact when we have specific, urgent needs for our programs. We’ll send emails ONLY when urgent needs arise. In the meantime, we’ll keep our website updated with current, ongoing program needs. Just follow the link below to view those needs on a regular basis. If you ever decide you want to stop receiving these task force emails, simply respond to them and let us know you want to be taken off the list. Please do not click ‘unsubscribe’ unless you want to be removed from all of our email lists.
If you don’t already receive our main Second Story newsletter, sign up below where you see “Connect with us!” Most months, we’ll send one to two emails to keep you informed about our programs, events, stories, and local topics of interest. You can unsubscribe at any time.
From all of us here at Second Story – thank you!