Second Story's Podcast
We think of each person's life as having a "first story," and a "second story." Your first story is marked by the setting you were born into: your parents, your community, your level of opportunity, mostly things you can't change. Your "second story," on the other hand, is the new chapter you get to write yourself: your career, your own family, your goals, and your dreams.
Second Stories is dedicated to telling stories of people who had first stories full of hardship and hopelessness, yet were able to change the narrative and write a new one. They're stories of resilience and hope, but also tributes to the people and experiences and organizations that made it possible for them to start again.
Find each episode here, plus some more information and photos about each of our guests.

Topical Episode: Edwin & Empowerment
For the last installment of this season’s topical discussion on values we’re talking to Edwin Alfaro, a Community Organizer at Second Story in the Community, about empowerment.
Topical Episode: Cathy & Mental Health
Today we’re speaking to Cathy, Second Story’s new Vice President of Residential Services and Senior Therapist about how mental health really looks in our programs.
Topical Episode: Judith & Equity
For the first of our topical episodes this season we’re speaking again to our CEO, Judith Dittman, about equity.
As a young person Daniel experienced homelessness, he couch-surfed, he wasn’t sure where his next meal would come from. He started to understand the appeal of drugs, of gangs, but his love for basketball kept him focused, and ultimately brought him the community he needed to thrive, to find safety and stability.
Second Stories Season Four
We're excited to bring you a fourth season of Second Stories with new episodes through the month of September! The first two episodes will be available one week from today, September 8th, with the rest airing ever Wednesday through the month of September.
COVID-19: Meghan (VP of Residential Services) and Youth Homelessness
In this episode we talk with Meghan Huebner, who talks about some of the unique challenges for youth and families experiencing homeless during the pandemic and how Second Story has been able to safely support the youth in our programs.
Jimena is a young mother, working hard to provide for her two children. In many ways her life is what she hoped it would be, but it wasn't always like that. Jimena experienced homelessness for nearly five years and her story gives us an important look at what it's like to be homeless as a young person.
COVID-19: Nandred (VP of Community-Based Services) and Vulnerable Communities
In this episode we’re speaking to Nandred, Second Story’s Vice President of Community Based programs. We talk about some of the “most vulnerable” in our communities and how they have been affected by the pandemic.
COVID-19: Cathy Benn (Senior Therapist) and Mental Health
Cathy Benn, our Senior Therapist, talks to us about the relationship between COVID-19 and mental health and why this has been an especially challenging time for the young people we serve.
Topical Episode: Youth Disconnection & Foster Care
Anne Kim is a journalist, author, and fountain of wisdom and insight on youth issues. Her book Abandoned: America’s Lost Youth and the Crisis of Disconnection explores a sobering reality: that nearly five million young people, nearly 12 percent of youth aged sixteen to twenty-four, experience disconnection and abandonment as they enter adulthood.
COVID-19: Judith Dittman (CEO) and Second Story’s Response
We’re starting off this season with a special episode about COVID-19 and its impact on our work and young people in our community.
Second Stories Season Three
Season three of Second Stories brings you more stories from youth in our community as well as a focus on some of the important issues that put young people in vulnerable positions - things like homelessness, abuse, and mental health challenges, plus more information on how COVID-19 has impacted our work.