“Naomi” arrived at Second Story for Young Mothers with two small bags of personal belongings and her baby boy. She had spent the past six months in an adult homeless shelter. Even though she knew the shelter wasn’t a suitable living space for a mother and child, she had no other options, until she found Second Story.
After applying to the program and waiting for a spot to open, Naomi was accepted. Second Story staff greeted her and her son with a warm welcome and worked with volunteers to make Naomi’s living space feel more like a home. They collected donated baby books, clothing, diapers, wipes, toys, a stroller, and a car seat. For the first time since becoming a mother, Naomi had a safe, stable place to live and some basic baby necessities.
She started attending therapy as well as group lessons on parenting, financial literacy, healthy living, and other life skills. She worked with our staff to apply for resources, like health insurance. Thanks to childcare provided by volunteers, Naomi could attend medical certification classes. Her goal is to find a well-paying job in a healthcare office and begin building a long-term career.
After just a few months in the program, Naomi’s confidence began to grow and she started to feel excitement about the future.
“Naomi’s” photo, name, and other details have been changed to protect her privacy.