Many immigrant families in our communities have been worried lately about a family member being deported. We have been helping families understand the paperwork they need to ensure that, should the need arise, children can live with other trusted adults if Mom or Dad do not come home.
Our staff with Second Story in the Community have been busy lately helping families with the paperwork they need to safeguard their children. Immigrant families are working to get “Power of Attorney” forms signed between them and another family member or a trusted neighbor. That form helps ensure that their children, who are often US citizens, such as many of the students in our community services network, will have a legal guardian if both parents are detained or deported.
We have been referring clients to “Know Your Rights” trainings such as the one held by Congressman Don Beyer in English and Spanish. At these trainings, families learn about their Constitutional rights. And they learn about what paperwork to have on hand to ensure the best outcome possible in case of emergency.
Clients with our community based programs, such as our Culmore Family Resource Center and our Springfield Family Resource Center, have been especially concerned about having their lives disrupted. One family living near our Culmore center was even profiled on the local radio station WAMU.
If you or someone you know may be facing legal challenge or would benefit from a “Know Your Rights” training, please see the Legal Aid Justice Center at